Keep bacteria and allergies under control

Indoor Air Quality

The air you breath it’s not something we often think about. However, if the quality is poor your family could be exposed to dangerous bacterias and pollutants that can generate allergies.

Americans on average spend approximately 90% of their time indoors. Poor air quality can contribute to nausea, scratchy throat and finally asthma. 

At GH Technical Services we provide all the necessary tools and technology to give your family the peace of mind they deserve. 



Our team will investigate and analyze your current air quality condition. This assessment is key to make sure any threats can be neutralized properly.

There are many high efficiency air cleaners in the market. These type of devices are made of a complex web of fibers composed of different materials such as dense glass, which increases the total surface area and creates lower resistance to air flow. 

We recommend HEPA, ASHREA and ULPA filters the most. We are ready to discuss your options. 

Please give us a call and we’ll be able to answer your questions. You can reach us at (203) 564-0066


A properly set dehumidifier could reduce musty odors that can develop mold and mildrew. These powerful devices can reduce dust around your house. 

It’s vital to keep dust under control as you’ll family be protected from allergens such as dust mites and allergies. 

Benefits of a professional dehumidifier system:

  • alleviate allergies
  • improve respiratory issues
  • reduce pest issues
  • protect household items
  • improve comfort
  • minimize condensation


Control your house’s humidity to achieve maximum comfort and prevent dry skin, irritated eyes and throat dryness. 

Humidifiers can benefit people with the following:

  • dry skin
  • allergies
  • frequent coughs
  • bloody noses
  • chapped lips
  • sinus headaches 


Using short-wave ultraviolet light can be extremely beneficial to manage bacteria, mold and other microorganisms. They can kill these airbone microbial throughout your home, ductwork and cooling coils. 


You might be wondering, do I really need to have a professional clean my ducts? Why is it so important? The answer is that over time as air is processed by the handlers and blown through the ducts, build up is accumulated. It doesn’t matter how clean your house might be, it is a natural occurrence. 

If this is not taken cared of, your HVAC vents can become clogged and the performance of your unit can decrease.

At GH Technical Services we use an advanced brush and vacuum system that scrubs your duct system to leave it spotless. 

Please give us a call and we’ll be able to answer your questions. You can reach us at (203) 564-0066


  • Indoor air quiality improvement
  • Remove unwanted odors
  • HVAC unit will perform at it should 
  • Keep your family safe as dirty ducts could cause a fire
  • Air filters will last longer
  • You will prolong your unit’s lifespan


If you’re experiencing leaky ducts, duct sealing can be your answer. Aeroseal is a duct sealing solution that aims to make the heating and cooling equipment much more efficient. 

Aeroseal it’s made up of polymers which are long tiny molecules that are grouped together to seal up holes and leaks within your ducts. 

"Big thanks to the independent team for being there for me. You made me feel like I’m a part of the community and helped me gain confidence in myself and what I'm capable of."
- Mark J. -